
Membership Criteria (Revised)

In view of giving better organizational stability and clarity to the ACPI, the following decisions were made at the General Body Meeting, during th 36th annual Conference of the Association of Christian Philosophers of India (ACPI), held at the Good Shepherd Major Seminary, Kunnoth (Kerala) on 10 – 13 October 2011

For a person to become a member of the Association, s/he needs (a) to be competent in Philosophy through one’s academic degrees (a minimum of Master’s Degree), publications, professional teaching etc., (b) to make a request by filling in ‘the application form’ (c) to be presented by a member, (d) to pay the membership fee, (e) and to be accepted by the Executive Committee after a year of probation.

One ceases to be a member, if one does not attend the annual meetings consecutively for five years without any prior notice to the president/secretary, and if one does not pay the annual subscription fee, including the arrears for the years when one was absent.  

Before effecting the termination of membership, governing body (President/Secretary) could give a prior notice of termination to the member concerned and seek explanation.

After a formal termination, if a person wants to be member again, s/he has to go through the whole process once again.

Only those who have been members of the Association for a minimum of three years can be elected to the Executive Committee, and for one to be elected President, Secretary or Treasurer, one should have been the member for a minimum of five years.

Those who have attended the Annual Research Seminar in the year (2011) are eligible to be considered as members without an additional year of probation, provided they have fulfilled other requirements.

The General Body during the Annual Research Seminar in 2012, has finalized the list of the Honorary members, Life Members, Members and those in probation. They are contacted individually for their profile to be uploaded in the website.

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